- Feb 2025: I have been promoted to the Biträdande Professor position!
- Feb 2025: I am now a member of the IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc) Entertainment and Gaming Technical Committee (ENT TC)
- Jun 2024: Our paper "Parallel spatiotemporally adaptive DEM-based snow simulation" is accepted at High Performance Graphics 2024
- Mar 2024: Our paper "Exploring the Effects of Foveated Rendering on Virtual Reality Game Graphics" is accepted at IEEE GEM 2024
- Feb 2024: Our State-of-the-Art Report (STAR) on "Snow and Ice Animation Methods in Computer Graphics" and an Education paper is accepted at Eurographics 2024!
- 2023: One paper accepted at iCord'23, Frontiers in Computer Science, IPTA '23, SAIS '23, each
- Feb 2022: I am a Guest Editor for our special issue in the Education Sciences Journal(MDPI) on "Higher Education and Its Improvement through Virtual Reality"
Dr. Prashant Goswami is an Associate Professor (Biträdande Professor) in the Department of Computer Science (DIDA), falling under the Faculty of Computing at BTH (Blekinge Institute of Technology). He started here as an Assistant Professor (Universitetslektor) in November 2014 and became Associate Professor after obtaining the Docent title in 2021. He obtained his B. Tech and M. Tech (dual degree) in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi in (2000-)2005. After spending two years in the industry, he started his PhD at University of Zurich in July 2007. He successfully defended his dissertation titled "Level-of-detail and Parallel Solutions in Computer Graphics" in December 2011. He spent little more than a year as a Research Fellow at the gameLab at Nanyang Technological University, (NTU) Singapore (March 2012 - April 2013) where he worked in the field of geometric modeling. He was a postdoc at the MAVERICK group at INRIA, Grenoble (August 2013 - November 2014) where he focused on real-time landscape-size convective cloud simulation before moving to BTH.
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
(Biträdande Professor, Docent)
Department of Computer Science (DIDA)
Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH)
Adjunct Faculty, CSE Department, IIIT Delhi (India)
Email: prashant.goswami@bth.se
Phone: +0 (46) 455-385826
Address: Room J3324, BTH Karlskrona 371 41